Re: set group id on directories (fwd)

Douglas Lee Schales (
Fri, 03 Mar 1995 18:12:29 -0600

>Perhaps tiger (I haven't seen it so I can't say for sure) mistakes suid 
>bits on files with sgid bits on directories. I guess its an easy enough 
>error to make but it certainly does display some very poor programming.

Way off the list topic, but just to put an end to the hypothesising,
it is a bug of sorts... there is a table that has permissions for
files, and I wildcarded some places where I shouldn't have.  This
particular module of the system is somewhat redundant (it was one of
the first portions written and hasn't received much maintenance), so
it will be receiving my attention before another release.


Douglas Lee Schales                   Texas A&M University             Computing & Information Services
                                      Networking Project